Tag: Polywire

Stroft introduces NiTi Mono- and Polywire for predator fly-fishing

Stroft NiTi Monowire and Stroft NiTi Polywire optimally meet all these requirements. For example, a 0.20 Stroft NiTi Monowire has a breaking strain of 4.2 kg, which is also almost achieved in the clinch knot.

Stroft NiTi Monowire and Stroft NiTi Polywire solve these problems and are the first choice when it comes to the ultimate predator leader. The connections are quick and easy to make. No crimps, no pliers – a simple, very easy to tie clinch knot with four turns is the solution – and with Stroft NiTi (and its thinner wires) it can even achieve up to 100% of the linear breaking strain!