Preparations for the EWF are in full swing

Preparations for the EWF are in full swing


Friday-morning before the start of the Experience the World of Fly Fishing (EWF) in Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich and the shape of what is yet to come is becoming more clear with every hour. The walls are placed, the first trucks are starting to unload their goods, the tables for the fly-tiers are prepared.


Friday-morning before the start of the Experience the World of Fly Fishing (EWF) in Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich and the shape of what is yet to come is becoming more clear with every hour.


Freitag-Morgen vor die Start von die Erlebniswelt Fliegenfischen (EWF) ) in Fürstenfeldbruck nahe an München und wie das Ganze aussehen wird, wird mehr und mehr deutlich mit jede Stunde. Die Wände werden aufgestellt, die ersten Laster werden ausgeladen, die Tische für die Fliegenbinder stehen schon fertig.


Preparations for the EWF are in full swing. Preparations for the EWF are in full swing! Preparations for the EWF are in full swing!! Preparations for the EWF are in full swing Preparations for the EWF are in full swing!! Preparations for the EWF are in full swing now. Preparations for the EWF are in full swing now!

Preparations for the EWF are in full swing now!!!

Preparations for the EWF are in full swing now




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