Fulling Mill Fly Fishing: In fly tying tutorial, Fulling Mill Signature Tyer Tyler Boroff shows us how to tie his Wader Midge. Using both CDC and plastic for a wing case, this pattern is designed to imitated a crippled or drowned midge that’s stuck in the surface film or has been submerged under water. This fly can be fished on its own, though it’s hard to see, so we recommend fishing it behind a more visible midge dry fly. If you think the fish are more interested in feeding sub-surface, you can also fish this high in the water column on a nymph rig. If you fish midge fisheries, and you want to learn to tie flies, this is a pattern you’re going to want in your box.
If you want to try out these hooks, you can find them here:
US: https://www.fullingmill.com/Products-US/.
UK: https://www.fullingmill.co.uk/Products-UK/.
Or, if you want to buy the fly itself, you can here: https://www.fullingmill.com/.
Tyler is an exceptionally talented tyer, especially when it comes to small fly patterns. For him, the tying process starts with being in tune with the waters at hand, as well as the current weather, to anticipate the possible insect activity occurring that day. From there, he make an educated decision using research and skills to adapt accordingly. Small, subtle differences in his designs are what make them unique and extremely productive. By sharing his patterns with the world he hopes to inspire future generations to follow their dreams and do more of what they love. When he’s not tying, Tyler is also a full-time fly fishing guide. We’re thrilled to have him on our team!
If you want to buy some of Tyler’s Signature Patterns, you can find them here: https://www.fullingmill.com/Products-US/Tyler-Boroff.