Category: Fly Tying

Sacha Pütz and Robert Hansson will show their fly tying skills at the EWF

For the first time, the young Swede Robert Hansson will be visiting us at this year's EWF.

Fly tyer of the first EWF hour – Sacha Pütz from Germany, who had already won the Ken Sawada tying competition in Japan as Grand Prix Winner in 2003, was already present at the 1st EWF in March 2006! Even then he was a magnet for visitors with his unique salmon fly patterns!     […]

Hackle techniques with Barry Ord Clarke

Here is a quick and useful hackle technique that can be used for all types of hackle.

Here is a quick and useful hackle technique that can be used for all types of hackle.     Buy my BOOK “Flytying for beginners” on AMAZON USA Buy my BOOK “The feather Benders Fly Tying Techniques”   Fly Tying a Spider hackle technique with Barry Ord Clarke A simple technique for tying […]

Fly Tying the Kinermony Killer – with Barry Ord Clarke

Another popular hair wing salmon fly, this time tied flame thrower style. The KK as it is also known is typical of the modern European hair wing patterns.

Flyfish Europe AS: “Another popular hair wing salmon fly, this time tied flame thrower style. The KK as it is also known is typical of the modern European hair wing patterns. You can also tie it in its original style with an over wing of black Arctic runner”.     Hook: Mustad Heritage DL71UAP # […]

World Championship Winning Flies: Howard Croston’s Dark Knight Euro Nymph

Fulling Mill Fly Fishing: Signature Tyer Howard Croston sits down at the vise to add to our "World Championship Winning Flies" series.

Fulling Mill Fly Fishing: Signature Tyer Howard Croston sits down at the vise to add to our “World Championship Winning Flies” series. In this fly tying tutorial Howard walks us through tying his Dark Knight nymph, which is a variation on a black pheasant tail nymph. This variation incorporates a chartreuse collar and red wire […]

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