A short review of the angling show Angeln 2019 in Duisburg, Germany. In the first part of January this show attracted over 14.000 visitors!
A short review of the angling show Angeln 2019 in Duisburg, Germany. In the first part of January this show attracted over 14.000 visitors!
Simms Fishing Products says it has ‘upped the ante’ with its recently announced range of technical apparel for 2019. The Bozeman, Montana, company’s new collection is inclusive of freshwater and saltwater anglers and extends across all categories.
With over 14.000 visitors the numbers of anglers and flyfishers that visited the Angeln 2019 show in Duisburg was something like twenty percent higher compared with 2018!
Seán Canney T.D., Minister with responsibility for the Inland Fisheries sector has approved a suite of regulations and bye-laws that will govern the wild salmon and sea trout fisheries in 2019. These have come into effect from Tuesday 1 January 2019.
Angeln 2019 has a tradition of being the first angling show of the new year in the west of Europe, because of this it attracts thousands of visitors every year.
To throw a little extra spice into your holiday season, they are happy to present you with Solid Adventure’s new Global Destination Fishing Catalogue for 2019. Perhaps you’ll find some time amidst your busy schedule and holiday travels to pursue some light reading on their outstanding fishing destinations.
Take part in the Open German Championship in Fly Tying. This is an open championship so all can participate! That means the Championship in Fly Tying is also open for international competitors. Members of the jury and the organizers are excluded from participation. You must be 17 or older to participate. Those younger are invited […]
He is a true friend of boot Düsseldorf, has demonstrated his enthusiasm for sports here, has donated an antique anchor to the trade fair, supports the “ocean tribute” Award with his ocean foundation and simply likes coming to Düsseldorf: Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Buy your salmon licence online now. You can now buy your salmon licence for the 2019 season in Ireland online at https://store.fishinginireland.info/. Licence prices have remained unchanged for the year ahead. Salmon Licence Fees • All Districts (i.e. all Regions) Annual: €100 • Juvenile (under the age of 18 years) All Districts Annual: €10 • One District, […]
For 2019 we have put a lot of effort into designing products that extend our current categories of; Submersible, Core Fishing, Travel, Lifestyle, Nets, Accessories and FP Field – the new product enhances enhances all of these collections with unique Fishpond innovation. When premiering our new products there was a lot of excitement about the […]