Tag: Arapaima

Pirarucú – Amazon’s Giant Arapaima by Todd Moen

Here is Part II of Catch Magazine's Amazon series. Pirarucú is native term for arapaima, the ancient, air breathing, giant fish of Amazonian rivers and lakes.

Here is Part II of Catch Magazine’s Amazon series. Pirarucú is native term for arapaima, the ancient, air breathing, giant fish of Amazonian rivers and lakes. One of the largest freshwater fish in the world, the pirarucú can grow up to 10 feet long and can weigh up to 485 pounds. The pirarucú has been a very special fish for people in this region, and I was treated to an exceptional introduction to the fly […]

Arapaima GIGAS – Director’s Cut Film Festival Version

After the stocks have recovered from overfishing in the 80's, the Pirarucú Lodge is known to be the best fly fishing spot for Arapaima in the world.

In the middle of the Brazilian jungle, at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, three anglers are chasing the prehistoric fish that the natives call: Pirarucú. After the stocks have recovered from overfishing in the 80’s, the Pirarucú Lodge is known to be the best fly fishing spot for Arapaima in the world. The pursuit of […]

PIRARUCU – Flyfishing the biggest arapaima reserve on the planet!

Pirarucú is located within the Mamirauá Reserve, about 600 km west of Manaus, a complex of lakes and channels between the Solimões River and Japura River. Mamirauá was the first Sustainable Development Reserve in Brazil, legislated by the Government of Amazonas in 1996, and remains the largest arapaima reserve in the world.