To the governments and members of parliament of Iceland, Norway, Scotland and Ireland:
Petition text
As concerned citizens from across Europe, we urge you to bring a halt to the devastation of wild fish and surrounding ecosystems caused by open net salmon farms. We call on you to impose an immediate ban on new open net farms and commit to phasing out existing ones everywhere.
This petition is run by Patagonia
You can sign here:
Why is this important?
The pristine fjords of Iceland are home to an abundance of marine life, but they are now seriously threatened by the expansion of massive open net salmon farms. Fragile coastal ecosystems around Norway, Scotland and Ireland are already suffering from the disastrous effects of this growing industry.
Right now we’re at a critical turning point in Europe where the entire industry could shift away from the destructive method of growing salmon in open nets that allow diseases, parasites and pollution to pour out into the environment. But this transition won’t happen without a lot of pressure to create the laws and incentives, that experts say are urgently needed in these countries.
In Iceland, the parliament is about to vote on a bill that could allow the world’s biggest aquaculture companies to farm vast amounts of salmon in open nets. Local groups are fighting to change it and they’re calling on citizens across Europe for support.
In Norway, Scotland and Ireland, salmon farming is run by big corporations and wields a similar power as the oil industry. Environmental organisations have been pushing back against the use of open nets for many years and finally governments are realising that action is needed, but they are not moving fast enough.
If we want to protect the wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout that many coastal and river communities depend on — we need to stop these destructive fish farms.
Let’s build a massive petition to call for a ban on open net salmon farms. Our signatures will be delivered to the Icelandic Parliament ahead of the crucial vote and also handed to key decision makers in Norway, Scotland and Ireland. Patagonia is working together with local organisations to ensure our voices have the most impact. Sign now to add yours!
This petition is supported by:
● North Atlantic Salmon Fund Iceland
● Redd Villaksen – NASF Norway
● Salmon and Trout Conservation Scotland
● Salmon Watch Ireland
Patagonia is an outdoor apparel company and certified B-Corporation. The company is recognised internationally for its commitment to environmental activism and its contributions of more than $104 million in grants and in-kind donations to grass roots groups. The latest Patagonia documentary “Artifishal” highlights the impact of open net salmon farms and is being screened across Europe in April and May. Read more and find a screening near you:
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