Following our press release from December 5, the EFTTA Board wants to inform that it is grateful to our EFTTEX Working Group that is investing itself in organizing an EFTTEX Show for 2023:
1) The EFTTEX Trading Ltd. does not organize the EFFTEX Show on behalf of EFTTA AISBL (EFTTA), but for the benefit of EFTTA. The profit of the show is being forwarded to EFTTA and used to save the future of recreational angling in Europe by our lobbying work.
2) The EFFTA Board is grateful to our Board Members Ciro Esposito (Europesca), Rudi Heger (Traun River Products) and Istvan Pal (Energofish) for all the energy they invest in order to bring back our “traditional” EFTTEX Show to life with many new elements serving the European Tackle Trade. They have invested considerable time, energy & money into that project.
3) The EFTTA Board wishes all the best to EFTTEX Trading Ltd. for the organization of EFTTEX 2023. May it be a successful revival!
In the past, it was EFTTA that has been organizing the EFTTEX Shows. These shows have financed the lobbying work in Brussels for almost 40 years. In order to concentrate on that lobbying work, EFTTA has outsourced the EFTTEX Show to an independent company – EFTTEX Trading Ltd.
EFTTA invites all the trading industry around recreational angling to support the EFTTEX Shows in the future!
Olivier Portrat, CEO of EFTTA AISBL
Brussels, 12/12/2022
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