Fly Fishing Nation: Alphonse Fishing Company is doing it right.
Fly Fishing Nation: Alphonse Fishing Company is doing it right.
Fly Fishing Nation: What Lies Above is a fly fishing film that tells the story of a unique change in the feeding behaviour of an Atlantic permit along the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. An increase in the amount of a floating seaweed called Sargassum being driven into the coastline is creating havoc with tourism and […]
What Lies Above is a fly fishing film that tells the story of a unique change in the feeding behaviour of an Atlantic permit along the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. An increase in the amount of a floating seaweed called Sargassum being driven into the coastline is creating havoc with tourism and the environment as […]
Bronze sculptor @chris_bladen_sculpture crafts some of the most beautiful fish sculptures in the world. A true master of his art. Using his time on the water fly fishing to take details and inspiration into his studio. While Si was home in Cape Town he managed to spend some time with fellow South African […]
Farquhar – these flats are alive! Farquhar Atoll – one of the most remote Outer Islands of the Seychelles, located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, not far north of Madagascar. A vast geological past lies behind this elevation of volcanic rock, creating a unique habitat for both land and marine life. However, a […]
Our legendary annual trips to Cuba will resume as soon as international travel allows. Our syndicate group is proudly defending the title for most and 2nd most Grand Slams at Jardines De La Reina. Special thanks to Kishi Bashi for the Music. Music: I Am The Antichrist To You – Kishi Bashi. […]
A short film to celebrate the inaugural Fish and Fly Trio challenge launched by Green Adventure Slovenia in 2020. This fishing challenge welcomes enthusiasts of all ages and abilities to participate in a unique three-day fishing excursion, including a three-night stay and a helicopter ride over one of the greenest of European countries: Slovenia. The […]
“We’ve fished all of the Kola and recognize that the location and all the preliminary information is incredibly provocative and that the Lumbovka and Kachkovka may be the most important fisheries to emerge on the Atlantic Salmon scene in recent years.” — Mike Michalak, The Fly Shop. On Russia’s remote Kola Peninsula is […]
Fly Fishing Nation Media: Destination Angling and Fly Fishing Worldwide since 2007 – true underground fly fishing vibes. Also look at: https://flyfishing-blog.com/flyfishing-blog.com/2017/08/26/open-day-fly-fishing-nation-pro-shop-in-koln/ https://flyfishing-blog.com/flyfishing-blog.com/2020/05/03/new-airflo-elberse-international-catalogue-for-2020-available-through-flyshops/ https://flyfishing-blog.com/flyfishing-blog.com/2020/04/17/atlantic-salmon-international-research-station-on-the-river-bush-northern-ireland/
The Atlantic Salmon Reserve (ASR) is the world’s first conservation area for Atlantic Salmon, Sea Trout, Wild Brown Trout and Arctic Char. The primary aim is to sustain and develop the fantastic Salmon and Trout fishing within this area, whilst preserving and protecting this pristine and uninhabited wilderness for the benefit of future generations. […]