A calling to all fly tyers and fly fishers at the 14th EWF!

Since 2013 the EWF, its exhibitors, and many of its visitors have supported the work of the Ambulant Children’s Hospice in Munich with a stand at the EWF and with donations.

The Ambulant Children’s Hospice (AKM), Munich, has supported, comprehensively and professionally, families with extremely or uncurably ill unborns, children, youth, and young adults.

The AKM will again this year have a stand and present its work at the EWF.
The AKM will again this year have a stand and present its work at the EWF.

In prior years we have sold, for the benefit of the AKM, fly boxes containing ten of the flies submitted in prior years for the German Open Fly Tying Championship or donated flies from many fly tyers. So, dear Fly Tyers, we ask you to donate, through us, a spare fly or flies to the Children’s Hospice.

The proceeds from the sale of the boxes and flies will go 100% to the Ambulant Children’s Hospice (AKM), Munich.
The proceeds from the sale of the boxes and flies will go 100% to the Ambulant Children’s Hospice (AKM), Munich.

We would be greatly pleased to hear from you that you are participating in this campaign.

The EWF Organizing Team

Website: www.e-w-f.com.


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